Friday, October 17, 2008

Let's Work Together to End Hunger

Food Bank for New York City has signed on to partner with Get Canned to collect canned goods to feed hungry New Yorkers. Food Bank for New York City has been recognized for the last 25 years as the city's major hunger-relief organization.  

There are more than three million New Yorkers who have difficulty affording food - an astounding number and one that continues to increase as the donated food supply drops to an all-time low and energy and fuel costs skyrocket. 

You CAN make a difference. 

In lieu of a $10 admission fee to Get Canned, all guests who bring 2 cans of non-perishable food will be given complimentary admittance to the event. 

The top ten most needed items are: canned beans, milk, fruit, vegetables, juice, meat, fish, soup, stew and peanut butter

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